Finding your way around the CBH school websites
In connection with the new school organisation, KTH has tried to make all of its web more uniform. This is so that you as an employee or as a visitor shall be able to find the right information on KTH’s web as smoothly as possible
Due to this, both the intranet and KTH’s school websites have received a new structure and design.
The Intranet
All of KTH’s school intranets have received a similar appearance. Here are some changes:
- A new start page. Instead of lots of different clickable boxes, there is now a more clean startpage where we list the most important news and other which could be of importance to co-workers at the school.
- General KTH information can be found in the menu at the top of the page. At the top of the page, there is information which concerning i.a. your employment, support & service and KTH’s organisation. The information is the same as for KTH as a whole. If you need information on, for instance, self-reporting (e.g. vacation and sick leave), wellness, IT support or forms, you will find it in this menu.
- Information specifically concerning you at the CBH school can be found in the left menu. As far as possible, we are working on getting rid of old and superfluous information from the schools’ previous intranets. In the left menu, you can for instance find information about contact persons at the school, internal events and arrangements och internal news.
- Translation in English. We are striving towards translating as much information as possible in English, for all of our co-workers who don’t speak Swedish. You can change the language of the intranet by clicking on the flag at the top right corner.
The School Web
You can find the CBH school website at . All of KTH’s school websites shall have a a similar appearance, and the CBH school has come far in the process. Here are some changes:
A new start page. On the first page, you can see entrances to our different departments. In the left menu, you can find information on e.g. the school’s different education programmes, research and contact details.
New start pages for the departments. The start pages of the departments are built-up in the same way as for the school at large. Each department has a short web address, based on the acronym of the department. For instance, the Department of Protein Sciences can be foudn at the web address
- A new standard language for the departments. While KTH’s central website kth.setreats a lot of general issues of e.g. education, there is a wish from KTH’s management that the school websites should focus more on research. The main language for the department websites will be English, since the target group at a larger extent is persons from the entire world who are interested in KTH’s research. Engelska blir även huvudspråk på sidorna för skolans olika forskningsgrupper. There are exceptions, e.g. for the Department of Engineering Sciences, which main language is Swedish. At the same time, we encourage research groups to at least have a short summary in Swedish about their activities on their websites.
- A new publications tool. Since 2017, there is a new publications tool in Polopoly. The tool retrieves information directly from DIVA and publishes a list with the 50 latest publications from each research unit. Please see the lists of publications at the different department websites.
- More focus on the personal pages on KTH Social. Log in in the grey field at the top of Click on the picture furthest to the left in the field. There is your personal page. Fill in the information about yourself and upload a picture of yourself. In this way, it becomes easier for other KTH employees and for visitors to reach you. This is important for you who has a position of responsibility at KTH.
Both the intranet and the school website are under further construction. Feel free to contact the communications unit at the CBH school to share your point of view.