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Time to register positions for the KTH-CSC Programme 2024

Published Sep 20, 2023

KTH supervisors are welcome to register positions in order to receive KTH-CSC students/scholars in the autumn semester of 2024. The online position registration deadline is 11 October 2023.

Before registration, you need to fill in a Green Light form and have it signed. A financial plan for the coming additional scholarship must be established with the financial unit at CBH.

If you are planning to register for a Full PhD (48 months) please act as following before registering:

  1. Contact your HR contact person and Financial Officer in order to establish that you have funding for the additional scholarship. Some kind of written consent, like an email, from a financier is required. Alternatively, you can contact  to draft an agreement with a new financier. However, the additional scholarships cannot be financed by public or governmental funds (See President’s decision V-2018-0626). After this, you (the supervisor) will contact the head of your department to confirm that you have funding for the additional scholarship.
  2. Please fill in the Green light form and send it to your HR contact person. It should be signed by the vice FA/FA, the Head of Department and the Head of School.
    Doctoral student admission process at CBH | CBH internal pages
  3. When these two steps are initiated and established, you can proceed with the registration: K TH | KTH-CSC programme Entry 2024 Position Registration (Round 1)  from 1 September to 11 October. Supervisors should register possible study positions to the database before 11 October 2023.

Read more at KTH-CSC programme|KTH intranet