Information from the Procurement Manager – Christmas gifts, optical components and signs

Here is some information from KTH's Head of Procurement on new contracts, the purchase of Christmas gifts and requirements for electronic invoices.
Christmas gifts
There is no specific framework agreement for Christmas gifts, but there are some different variants depending on what you want to give. One example is promotional and gift items. Other examples are books, grocery bags or groceries via Mathem, gift cards ( or fruit baskets via Fruktkuriren. The procurement group does not take a position on whether KTH should give a Christmas gift or not and what amounts are appropriate based on benefit taxation and the like.
Legal requirements for electronic invoices
Please note that it is a legal requirement for invoices to be sent electronically to the public sector. Paper invoices/pdf are not allowed.
Here you will find information about e-invoicing to KTH.
Some older, outdated templates are still being used, mainly for direct procurement and consultancy contracts below SEK 100 000, where this is not stated. If you use older templates, check with the CBH School's Purchase Manager that the requirements are up to date. Email: .
Framework agreement for optical components
Framework agreement for optical components/ V-2023-0137 has been signed between KTH and five (5) suppliers. The agreements are valid for the period 2023-09-02 to 2024-09-01 with the possibility to extend another 3 years. Ordering is done via Wisum.
The agreement consists of three product areas:
1. Optical elements
2. Optomechanics
3. Optoelectronics
- Eksma Optics
- LRI Instrument AB
- Azpect Photonics AB
- Thorlabs Sweden AB
Framework agreement for signs
The framework agreement (V-2023-0190) will meet KTH's need for signs for all KTH's campuses and includes the following three areas:
- Exterior signage
- Facade signage
- Interior signage
The contract period is 1 November 2023 to 31 October 2025, with the possibility of extension for 2 years. The supplier is Floda Systemskylt Aktiebolag and orders are made via designated persons at the Property Department KTH.