"Medicinteknikdagarna are a great and important meeting place"

Medicinteknikdagarna was organised this year by KTH in collaboration with Region Stockholm. The conference is an important meeting place for academia, healthcare professionals and medical technicians, with opportunities to both network and share knowledge.
“This conference is really a way to open up new collaborations, says Matilda Larsson, Professor and Head of Divisionof Biomedical Imaging at the CBH School.”
For a few days in October, 430 participants and 49 exhibitors gathered at BioClinicum at Nya Karolinska in Stockholm for the Medical Technology Days. The conference – which this year was organised by KTH in collaboration with Region Stockholm – brings together healthcare, researchers, and medical technicians. They took part in a solid programme including research presentations and panel discussions.
CBH in the programme committee
The programme committee included CBH School's Matilda Larsson, Mats Nilsson and Seraina Dual. They were each responsible for a session and moderated lectures in their respective areas of expertise.
Matilda Larsson advocates the importance of bringing together healthcare professionals, researchers and medical engineers.
“It is important that we who work with medical technology network, both that we make visible what we do ourselves and that we open our eyes to what others are doing. Medicinteknikdagarna are a great and important meeting place for that. I think many who were there for the first time this year were surprised by how rewarding it is, this conference is really a way to open for new collaborations," she says.
Several CBH PhD students participated in the programme with either posters or presentations. Programme students acted as hall hosts during the sessions and supported the moderators and a group of students from Medical Technology visited the conference exhibition during one of the days.
Frida Lindberg, project manager at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems in Flemingsberg, is a member of the MTF board and the organising committee for this year's conference. She is pleased that the conference has returned to its original size after the pandemic and that the mix of participants is increasing.
"We have really endeavoured to create a meeting place in medical technology for healthcare, academia, industry and social stakeholders, and it is great that the conference is developing in this direction," she says.
Inspiring presentations
Matilda Larsson thinks the quality of the presentations was very high and mentions one lecture in particular that provided inspiration.
“One of the most interesting lectures for me was when Karin Dembrower from St Göran's Hospital talked about a large study on AI and mammography. The study examined how well two radiologists performed compared to one radiologist and AI, as well as AI alone. It turned out that the combination of radiologist and AI performed best and was able to find the most tumours. "We researchers at MTH (Department of Medical Technology and Health Systems) are working on developing this type of artificial intelligence for application in medical imaging. It was extremely cool to see that it is possible to implement this on a large scale.”
Text: Åsa Karsberg