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Mikael on CBH’s financials and the Coronavirus

Published Feb 11, 2020

Head of School Mikael Lindström provides information on CBH's latest recommendations regarding the Corona virus, the school's 2019 financial statements that recently arrived and the upcoming election to the CBH School Assembly.

Mikael Lindström. Photo: Jann Lipka

You are certainly informed of the situation with a new coronavirus originating in the Hubei Province in central China, which is not yet under satisfactory control. Experience in China shows that early measures to prevent the spread of the virus are important. At present, there is no overall recommendation for KTH in connection with the spread of the Coronavirus. At the CBH School, we have made the recommendation that the immediate superior contacts employees whom have been to China and inquire about their health. It is possible for employees to work from home for 14 days after arriving back from China and the decision to do so should be taken in dialogue with your immediate superior.

Two of our institutions have chosen to inform all colleagues returning from China of compulsory home quarantine for 14 days. Regarding trips to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against unnecessary trips to the Hubei Province, and the information is updated on an ongoing basis. The CBH School recommends that planned trips to China are postponed.

Find more information here

Recently, the financial statements for the CBH School arrived and the financial outcome for the CBH School was SEK -11.3 million for 2019. Revenues ended up at SEK 1,060.5 million and expenses at SEK 1,071.8 million. Total revenues are 3.4% higher and costs 4.5% higher than the budget entered for 2019. Behind the increased cost is mainly high premises costs in Flemingsberg. We have an ongoing dialogue with GVS / MBA, and it is our standpoint that the rent in Flemingsberg should be included in KTH's Internal Price model. It is not reasonable to be able to terminate premises that are not used and at the same time paying for empty premises on Valhallavägen. Regarding the rent for teaching premises, they are paid in Flemingsberg every day of the year, while at KTH Valhallavägen you only pay for the time you book for the tuition.

Finally, I just want to remind you of the election to CBH's new School Assembly on March 12, 2020. Before the election, every colleague should be asked if he or she is willing to run for the assembly and this will happen in February. I hope that many of you will choose to get involved as this will be an important forum for the academic discussion at KTH.
