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Mikael on the salary review

Published Jan 28, 2021

Head of school Mikael Lindström writes about this year's salary revision at the CBH School.

The pandemic has changed the way we work and live. After almost a year of social and personal stress and challenges, I know that many at the CBH School do their utmost to also cope with the spring term, which we hope will be the beginning of the end of the pandemic.

In the midst of all of this, our managers must assess our employees' efforts in the form of the right new salary. Here we would like to show much greater appreciation than our usual salary frame allows. Unfortunately, the framework is the same as in previous years and we must find other ways to show mutual appreciation. Last Friday, the HR department and I held an information meeting for all payroll managers at the CBH school and this week all employees are informed via the workplace meetings (APT). Information about salary review is available on the KTH intranet, such as joint information from employers and employee organizations, information about the salary revision process, salary statistics, contact routes and what preparations should be made befor salary dialogues.

Salary review at KTH intranet

Schedule salary review at CBH



Week 4

Informationsmöte om löneprocessen på APT/avd.möte

Until March 12

Salary dialouges in progress

March 17

Last day to submit planned salary offers to HR

April 6-28

Salary setting dialogue, Saco-S

April 6-30

KTH negotiations with OFR/S (ST) and SEKO

April 28

Last day to notify disagreement to HR

May 17 - June 4

Negotiations Saco-S, disagreements from salary setting dialogue

June 24

Feedack dialogue and payment

The review period is 2019-10-01 - 2020-09-30 and the new salary will be paid retroactively from 2020-10-01.
