New operational plan for CBH with a focus on Flemingsberg

A new operational plan for CBH is now in place for the next three years. One of the updates is about developing activities at KTH Flemingsberg.
On 3 December, KTH’s President decided on KTH's new operational plan for 2025-2027. It includes reform agendas for the whole of KTH, for the schools, and resource allocation and educational missions.
The operational plan runs for three years and is updated annually. This means that much of CBH's reform agenda is similar to what was in last year's.
“We are continuing to work on things we have planned and are working on. What has been added is that we are continuing to work with the rest of KTH to develop activities in Flemingsberg. This has to do with the major campus review that has been done and the move from Södertälje and Kista. The President has decided to keep Campus Flemingsberg and then the question is how we can further develop the activities there,’ says Amelie Eriksson Karlström,” Head of school at CBH.
Career system under review
Another new development is a review of the career system at the university. A clearer work will take place during the next period, which will affect both KTH and the schools.
“In 2024, a study was carried out and now it is time to move forward and develop concrete proposals for change. The study proposed the creation of new positions, and transitional rules. The aim is to find out how a future career system should be designed and how faculty should be offered mobility between the current and future systems,” Karlström says.
Investigation of Lifelong learning
In 2025, a KTH-wide investigation of Lifelong learning will also be carried out as part of the work to review KTH's educational offering that the President initiated in 2024.
“On the resource allocation side, there are no major changes compared to 2024, nor in terms of the educational mission, except that we are taking over the preparatory education from ITM and starting the new Master's programme in Data-driven Health in 2025,” Karlström says.
Text: Sabina Fabrizi