How to take your idea from the lab to the stock market!

On May 31, it's time for a new lunchtime webinar in the CBH school's "Impact Stories" series. Hear Michael Malkoch, Professor at KTH and entrepreneur, tell how it happened when the "leg patch" and other ideas became a company on the stock exchange.
Can "bone plasters" revolutionize surgery? This is what Michael Malkoch, Professor and entrepreneur, thinks. He challenges old ways of working with new materials and techniques, for example the bone glue that will replace metal plates and screws.
In 2006, Michael founded the company Polymer Factory together with some colleagues at KTH. The company develops polymeric materials that can be used as carriers of drugs to treat cancer and neurological diseases. The products are based on nanotechnology and are compatible with, among other things, click chemistry.
Twenty years ago, Michael collaborated with Nobel laureate Barry Sharpless in the USA. Together, they investigated how click chemistry can be used to build dendrimers, or so-called perfect synthetic macromolecules. Michael saw the benefit, but what did the market think?
Hear Michael's story about a fifteen-year race to reach the stock exchange.
- What does it take for the market to believe in your ideas?
- When is the right time to accept investors?
- Which people do you need in your company?
The webinar is primarily aimed at you who are researchers, doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows and is held in English.
Time: Wednesday 31 May at 12:00–12:30