“Specific values that give direction”

Developing the educational offer, reviewing the dimensioning of education and faculty, supporting researchers and creating an inclusive culture. These are things that CBH will prioritize in accordance with KTH's reform agenda, led by Head of School Amelie Eriksson Karlström.
What do you think of KTH's overall goals and vision?
"I think the result is well anchored and well thought out. I hope and believe that many people can support the overall goals. They are simple, concise and clear, but still have specific values that give direction."
Is there anything that particularly stuck out?
"That we should conduct both excellent basic research and applied research. I think that both are important for KTH, which is a statement. During education, we highlight the value of experimental environments and it gives us a direction that we need to prioritize this and that we should have a close relationship between education and research."
What will the school change or achieve in its operations and which links to KTH's overall goals and vision?
"We schools are expected to work on developing the educational offer and review the dimensioning of education at different levels. Some of our activities have to do with the campus moves from Södertälje and Kista, which affects our basic year programs and university engineering programs. After the move, we will be responsible for all basic years at KTH and then we have the opportunity to coordinate and develop the programs. Today, university engineering programs in computer science and electrical engineering are conducted both in Flemingsberg and in Kista and we need to coordinate with EECS on those programs in the future, when they move from Kista.
On the research side, we want to improve the conditions for research, for example by providing better support to researchers in connection with applications and the implementation of research projects. We cannot do this ourselves, but in collaboration with the operational support, but we can work together and provide input on what is needed.
In faculty development, an investigation of the career system at KTH level is now being carried out, but we also need to review our teachers and researchers and the dimensioning of our future faculty. We need to wait for the KTH-wide investigation into changes in the regulations, but it is a three-year reform agenda and we see that we need to work with it further ahead.
When it comes to equality, diversity and equal treatment (JML), we are already working on different ways to achieve a more inclusive culture at the school and this is something we are happy to highlight that we are continuing to work on. We are planning a follow-up to the KTH report on gender-based victimization and sexual harassment. KTH's doctoral students had worse results than the average in the sector."
Is there anything you would like to add?
"I welcome views and comments from the school. As it is a rolling three-year plan that will be updated annually, there is an opportunity to include new issues and activities."
Text: Sabina Fabrizi