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Welcome Mikael Iivonen

Mikael Iivonen
Mikael Iivonen is new study counsellor at CBH. Photo: Jon Lindhe, KTH.
Published Aug 22, 2023

Mikael Iivonen is a new study counsellor at the CBH school. He will substitute for My Lönn, who is on leave.

”It feels great fun, exciting and interesting. I have received a warm welcome from all sides. The opportunities for further development are many – and things seem to happen all the time, which is both fun and stimulating.”

What did you do before?

“For the past nine years I have worked at Stockholms Stad, where I have worked with emphasis on the right to education. The assignment involved collaboration and cooperation with both students, authorities and the city's administrations. I am a trained study and career counsellor at Stockholm University, but my professional career began in an economics department and was shaped on the Swedish industrial floors.”

What will you work with at CBH?

“I am a study counsellor for the Master of Science in Engineering in Technical Cgemistry and the Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering. I work with all study related questions. For example study plans, entry requirements, course admissions, exemtions, etcetera.”

What do you do when you're not working?

“In my spare time, I dig down behind a mountain of synthezisers and work on my music project, Iplay computer games, pack my backpack and disappear into the forest or out into the world, or just relax and enjoy life in the good company of loved ones.”

Text: Åsa Karsberg