Welcome, Ulrika Långström Olsson!

Ulrika Långström Olsson is new financial administrator, with focus on the Department of Gene Technology at SciLifeLab.
“It's interesting with the combination of innovation and tradition, daily meetings with both young and experienced minds. The atmosphere here is welcoming and helpful - it feels great when you are a newcomer!”
What did you do before?
“I have mainly worked in the private sector in various finance roles. I have many years of experience as an interim/contracted resource, so I am quite used to ‘being new at work’ with all that it entails.”
What do you work with at CBH?
”I’ll be working as a financial administrator, focusing on the Department of Gene Technology at SciLifeLab.
In which questions can you be contacted?
”I will support project managers and others in all matters relating to the economics of current projects.”
What do you like to do when you're not working?
“I enjoy activity in all its forms, preferably in nature and with family and friends. I also enjoy cultural events and good food!”
Text: Åsa Karsberg