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Purchase and procurement

KTH is a state authority. Everyone who works here and who wants to buy something needs to know what rules apply. Purchase and procurement manager at CBH is Kicki Holmberg.

If you are to buy a product or service, follow this procedure (in numerical order):

  1. You must purchase goods/services that are included in framework agreement , start by looking in Wisum  and/or in the contract catalouge . If you do not find what you are looking for, continue with nex step (2).
  2. If what you are looking for does not exist on KTH's agreement, check if the item / service is available on the governmental framework agreements, these can be found on .
  3. If the product/service you are looking for is not included in any framework agreements presented above you have to use any of the schools routines for procurement  either a direct procurement or a purchases that exceed the direct purchase limit.

Environmental requirements – purchasing

Environmental requirements are set for all purchases regardless of whether the transaction is completed through a KTH framework agreement or direct procurement. 

When order from framework agreement, the customer is obliged to choose the most environmentally friendly alternative available (when possible) with reference to, for example, Ecolabelling.


For information on the independent eco-labels used in Sweden check the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation's web page “ Good environmental choice ”.

Below are tips to reduce the environmental impact of purchasing:

• Reuse products

• Repair products

• Select products with environmental and / or sustainability labeling

• Coordinate orders to reduce the number of shipments

• Select energy-efficient products

• Avoid disposable items when possible