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Ending of employment

When an employee ends their employment, please follow the checklist stated on this page. On these pages you will also be able to find documents and information that are important when an employment ends.

An employment at EECS can end when the agreed-upon time-limited contract ends. An employment can also end if the employee chooses to end it by requesting to terminate their employment. If a time-limited employment is about to end, you as an employee will recieve a notice from the school if your employment has lasted for more than a year. 

If you as an employee chooses to terminate your employment, you need to send in a request of termination. You will find the document on KTH's central web pages

The document must then be sent to your HR contact  at EECS who will register your request with KTH's salary division. 

Checklist for employees that are ending employment

Hand in the following items to EECS Servicecenter: 

  • Keys
  • Access card
  • Credit card Eurocard

Please note that if you have a Eurocard FUP you should contact Eurocard, by e-mail,  , or by phone, 08-146737, and terminate the credit account and cut the card.

Link to EECS Servicecenter.

Hand in to your immediate manager to keep at the division:

  • Cell phone
  • Computer

If the computer and cell phone are handed in to the Service Center they will go back to IT and become public property.

Consider the following before leaving: 

  • Clean out your work place, do not leave food in fridges or freezers
  • Clear out papers and other from your desk
  • Empty/export your home drive on the computer
  • Hand over material that you have agreed upon to your supervisor
  • Print or save your payslips if you need them. You will not have access to the Self-reporting system once your employment has ended.

If you are moving from Sweden to another country:

If you want a certificate of employment please contact HR at the school. If you wish to receive a testimonial over your employment, please contact your supervisor. Please note that testimonials will only be printed out for employments that have lasted for more than 6 months. 

Information for supervisors when employees ends employment

You as supervisor have the overall responsibility that the employee gets a good ending of their employment. It is also the supervisors responsibility that tasks, equipment, accounts etc. is ended and handed over, as well as having an exit talk with the employee. The employee also have the right to request a testimonial over their employment if the employment has lasted for more than 6 months. A template for the testimonial can be found here (docx 57 kB)

When you as supervisor know that an employee is about to end their employment, please notify HR at least one month before the final employment date.