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Organisation of EECS' University administration

The University administration is gradually being reorganised at KTH to become a joint support with similar processes by 2026. From 1 April 2024, HR, finance and communication are included in a joint organisation. The remaining support functions are located at the EECS school office.

EECS' University administration's organisation
EECS' University administration's organisation

Download EECS' university administration's organisational chart (pdf 26 kB)

Download an image of the organisational chart (png 40 kB)

The School's office

The role of the School Office is to provide management support to the following roles: Head of School, Deputy Heads, JMLA (Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Officer) GA (Director of First and Second Cycle Education) and PA (Programme Director) function FA (Director of Third-Cycle Education) function FFA (Head of Faculty Renewal) Head of Departments, School Faculty Board.

The School Office is led by a Head of Office who co-operates with the three units within the School Office.

The University administration's organisation – description

  • EECS' university administration is organisationally a unit that belongs to KTH's coordinated University administration (VS), which is led by the university director.
  • VS is an organisational unit at the President's disposal to support with central administration, planning, policy creation, coordination, quality control, follow-up and evaluation. VS also provides administrative support to schools/equivalent
  • It consists of the units Management office, Infrastructure and Service and the School's office of student affairs.
  • The units Finance, HR and Communication are organisationally part of KTH's coordinated University administration.

Management group for the University administration

The management group for the University administration (VS) is led by the Head of School's office. There are also head of units for the areas of infrastructure, the management office and educational administration.

Management group for VS

The University administration's units

The University administration's locations