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Discontinuation of a programme course

A course that no longer shall be given must be discontinued as soon as possible according to the process below. As long as a course is not formally discontinued students who have been registered on the course without completing it, have the right to be re-registered and examined.

Process for discontinuation of a programme course in first and second cycle education

Examiner and director of studies:

1. The director of studies for the course, the examiner and the concerned programme directors investigate the reason for discontinuation, the consequences and how discontinuation should be implemented according to the KTH process for discontinuation of a course and in consultation with student representatives.

2. The proposal for discontinuation is processed with the head of the department responsible, the school's group of directors of studies, and the group of programme directors.

3. The responsible director of studies fills out the decision template at KTH's intranet: Bilaga - Ändring av kursplan vid avveckling av kurs (in Swedish) , and sends it to the course syllabus reviewing committee, together with a motivation for why the course is discontinued. At KTH's intranet, there is also information on the process model for discontinuation of a course and supporting documents.

The course syllabus reviewing committee, the school's office of student affairs and the school's faculty board:

4. The course syllabus reviewing committee reviews the decision and, if necessary, supplements it in consultation with the director of studies.

5. The course syllabus reviewing committee conveys the basis for the decision to the director of first and second-cycle education, who prefers the proposal to discontinue the course to the school's faculty board for decision.

6. The school's office of student affairs enters the changes into the course syllabus in Kopps and sends the scanned decision to Ladok, who will change the status to "this course will be discontinued".

7. According to KTH's instructions, the school's office of student affairs contacts all students who have not yet completed the course and informs them of the decision to discontinue the course and the timetable for their opportunities to finalise it.