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KTH BDVA membership opens for free participation in activities

Published Apr 20, 2022

Now KTH researchers can participate in BDVA, the Big Data Value Organisation, activities, workshops, and seminars for free since the KTH Digitalization Platform recently became a member. BDVA is a European non-profit organisation that brings together members from academia and industry, both SMEs and large industry, from 29 countries. For instance, it includes companies such as IKEA, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Philips and many more.

Why has the KTH Digitalization Platform become a member of BDVA?

Tobias Oechtering. Photo: KTH

“The area is becoming more important where KTH has significant ongoing activities. The association provides access to a large European industry network that drives technological development. The membership is expected to be valuable for researchers who develop big data tools and those who apply big data tools in their research. It is then natural that the Platform joins this association to make the benefits available to all KTH researchers,” says Tobias Oechtering , Director of the KTH Digitalization Platform .

What can this membership offer KTH researchers?

Ricardo Vinusea. Photo: KTH

“The membership allows all KTH researchers to join the activities organised by the association. On the BDVA webpage in particular, one can find many interesting events organised by the association, which KTH researchers can join. There is also an overview on the BDVA task forces, where the task forces TF6 Technical and TF7 Application are perhaps the most interesting networks with relevant subgroups such as Data Science and AI (TF6-SG3), Big Data – HPC (TF6-SG8), Telecom (TF7-SG2), Healthcare (TF7-SG3), Smart Cities (TF7-SG8), Energy (TF7-SG12), or Security (TF7-SG13). As a KTH researcher, you can join those task forces and benefit from the technical discussions and the network, which also provides access to the internal documents with the opportunity to influence the discussion actively," says Ricardo Vinuesa , Vice Director, KTH Digitalization Platform, and continues:

"To join the task force, please directly contact Sinna Rissanen at BDVA office  mentioning that you are from KTH and inform the Platform "

Why should KTH researchers be active in this association?

“The association provides a relevant professional network to meet researchers beyond academia. This network will be very relevant if one strives for European projects (of particular interest are the industrial connections). It is also interesting for other joint activities or to identify our students' future employers. Engagement will also be a good pathway to have an impact on your own research activities. Further, the association facilitates access to valuable information about big-data-related research and innovation programs, policies, regulations, and standardisations agendas. Lastly, if many from KTH become active in the association, then we strengthen the brand of KTH in the area,” Ricardo Vinusea says.

Anything else you would like to add?

“The idea to join this association stems from one of the events of the KTH expert group we have developed at the Platform. Ana García, BDVA Secretary-General, joined us and shared her experience at the EU level within expert activities related to the association. This raised the interest of several members of the expert group, who proposed to join the association. Since then, several KTH researchers have joined the association. Personally, I participated in two events and would like to join more if I had time. In one session, I received some interesting information about the EC plans on AI regulation, and in the other, I shared some experiences from my own research. Both sessions were very well organised, participants were professionals, and it was a pleasant setting. I would be happy if many KTH colleagues become interested and make similarly good experiences," Tobias Oechtering says.

KTH contact: Ricardo Vinuesa , Vice Director, KTH Digitalization Platform
BDVA website

Associations open to KTH researchers

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Last changed: Apr 20, 2022