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Internal pages of KTH Digitalisation Platform

The purpose of the internal web pages of KTH Digitalisation Platform is to build a multidisciplinary community for the researchers and students within the platform as well as building bridges to the other strategic research platforms at KTH - Energy, Industrial Transformation, Materials, Transport and Life Science.

The platforms are discontinued

The research platforms will cease as of July 1, 2024. As a result, the research platforms will no longer exist in their previous form. Consequently, the platforms' web pages will not be updated. The web pages will be discontinued shortly.


Subscribe to our newsletter

Sign up for KTH Digitalisation Platform's internal newsletter, where we write about calls, events, and news. The letter is sent out a couple of times per semester.


Expert group network

Expert groups for advocacy and advice

Join the Digitalisation Platform expert group network  and help represent KTH in European networks, meetings, special interest groups, partnerships, and expert feedback on programme drafts. The primary goal is to improve KTH's presence in EU projects and to benefit from the Stockholm Trio collaboration. If you want to join or have questions, please contact Ricardo Vinuesa  with CC .

Social media

Communicate your research via LinkedIn

Recently, KTH launched the Digitalisation at KTH  LinkedIn page. Follow the page, send content suggestions to the editors, and get help communicating your research.


External events, non-KTH organisers

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Jul 01, 2024