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Register for ”Reinforcing Cyber Security EU”

Early booking discounted rate valid until 7th December 2018

International Conference

Published Nov 09, 2018

In response to the increased cyber threats, the European Commission published an updated EU Cyber security package in September 2017. This symposium will therefore offer businesses, local actors, industry regulators, intelligence agencies, police, technology specialists, academics and other key stakeholders with a timely and invaluable opportunity to:

- engage with European cyber security policies,
- collectively enhance defences in the attempt to not only counter but also anticipate the ever more sophisticated types of Cyber attacks,
- brainstorming for ways in which the EU could support European companies grab a greater market’s share of the Cyber security sector and,
- find ways to further enhance the issue of cyber defence in the CFSP.

Date: Thursday 17 January 2019
Place: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels

Information about the conference on the website of Public Policy Exchange

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Nov 09, 2018