Dear colleague,
Thank you for registering to the workshop "Digital twins for smart, energy positive and sustainable cities". With the current situation and KTH policies, we cannot hold the meeting as planned and are working on alternative digital means. One possibility would be to hold a virtual exhibition where all participants/ participating groups can present their work. We call it ‘Digital Twin Expo KTH-RISE-IVL’ and plan for an ‘Online Vernissage’ during the spring.
This would fulfill our main objectives: learn from each other and promote match-making.
We would like to ask you to contribute by sharing a short update about your research. It could be a message about what you're doing and expertise you want to work with in ongoing or upcoming calls.
We already asked you to prepare a slide or two about your research, feel free to use this.
We welcome the following eligible formats:
- 2-3 slides as a .pdf file
- url to link to a video/project page
- a short film about your research (you can for example use Zoom to combine films and slides/movies)
- an input directly readable by UNITY or similar game engine
We have invited you to upload your material to a shared folder on ‘KTH Box’ (see email) where you can (i) create a folder (use your name), (ii) add a text file with your location (address of your office) and (iii) upload material.
We would appreciate to get your contribution by April 10th, 2020.
We will also make contact with you via Zoom in the second half of April.
Feel free to return any questions via email to both of us.
Digitally Yours,
Charlie Gullström & Christophe Duwig
KTH Digitalization & Energy Platforms working together!