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Call for poster for KTH Energy Dialogue 2021

Submit your energy poster to the poster competition and win a full communication training day

2019 poster competition winner Ross Harnden. Photo: Fredrik Persson
Published Oct 18, 2021

Impact is a key concept for research – it is the way to make a difference! Please share your reseach with all KTH Energy Researchers and give participants of the KTH Energy Dialogue 2021 a taste of the best energy research at KTH. We welcome all KTH energy researchers to present a poster - Big challenges are solved together!

A poster competition will be held during the KTH Energy Dialogue 2021 on the 18 November 2021, organised by the KTH Energy Platform. All KTH researchers are welcome to submit a poster, and a jury will select the three best posters with respect to three criteria;

  1. Innovative design,
  2. Clarity and communication qualities, and
  3. Accessibility for a broad audience without specific knowledge in the research field. 


The three winners will receive a full day communication training with feedback organized by professionals from the public science organization Vetenskap & Allmänhet, value: SEK 5,000. It covers training for selecting material, preparing communication, blog writing, video etc.

How to participate

  • You are a researcher (any age or position) at KTH and is registered for the KTH Energy Dialogue 2021. Registration
  • Your poster should present relevance for a least two Sustainable Development Goals.
  • You should submit the poster as a pdf-file latest by the 10 November, 2021 by email to  with the title "KTH Energy Dialogue 2021 poster session". We will print the poster when accepted.
  • You will present the poster during the dedicated session and should accompany it with a one-minute pitch.

Check list

  • Content Concrete and clear impact, is it easy to understand for non-specialists? What are the three points that the audience should remember? 
  • Visual lay-out Is the poster easy to read from a distance of three meters? Is it pleasing for the eye? 
  • Interaction around the poster How do you interact with the guests at KTH Energy Dialogue? Can you make then interested within one minute? 


To help you select and present the content, Presentation Skills and Communication Coach Anders Sahlman (Vetenskap & Allmänhet) has published a You Tube tutorial on how to compress your research into a short presentation.

Anders Sahlman short research presentation tutorial

The jury

The jury selecting the best posters, includes Karin Larsdotter, KTH Sustainability, Cissi Askwall, Vetenskap & Allmänheten and Mario Romero, Associate Professor in Visualization at KTH.

More information

Poster template

Poster Exhibition and Contest 2021 (pdf 104 kB)

KTH Energy Dialogue 2021, program

Registration KTH Energy Dialogue 2021

KTH Energy Dialogue 2019

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Oct 18, 2021