Apply for funding via the new SAKURA Mobility Programme
Deadline has been moved to October 27th, 2019
To strengthen scientific collaboration between Sweden and Japan, the Swedish Research Council (VR) decided to fund and launch SAKURA, a new mobility programme focusing on neutron research and activities of ESS and J-PARC in particular. Personnel working at the two neutron sources as well as researchers affiliated with Swedish and Japanese universities are welcome to apply for funding by 27 October 2019.
The SAKURA Mobility Programme aims to build capacity in pulsed neutron scattering techniques and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), which has long served as a benchmark for the former.
The exchange of personnel, experiences, and know-how between leading research facilities and universities is an essential ingredient in maintaining neutron instrumentation and research at the cutting edge of performance. The SAKURA Mobility Programme will further deepen the long-term collaboration between ESS and J-PARC, which already started during the ESS design phase.
During 2020, SAKURA beneficiaries will have the opportunity to travel to Sweden or Japan for a period of anything from three weeks to six months.