Travel support to large scale infrastructures and other unique instrumentation
KTH Materials Platform provides limited travel support in order to facilitate better use of approved beamtimes at large scale infrastructures and other unique instrumentation of high interest to KTH Material Research (e.g. MAX IV, ESS, Petra III, XFEL).
Application information
The call is open for proposals that can demonstrate approved and scheduled beamtime at large scale infrastructures. Applications to non-peer reviewed infrastructures should motivate what makes the instrumentation unique and why the experiment cannot be made elsewhere. We accept applications continuously through 2023.
Application form
Travel support to large scale infrastructures and other unique instrumentation - 2023 (docx 21 kB)
Submit the application to
Sweden funds and is responsible for a materials science beam line, P21, at Petra III. Through the Swedish engagement in P21, Swedish users will also get dedicated access to the other instruments at Petra III. Applications for beamtime are to be submitted through the Petra III user portal (deadline for beamtime application is typically on 1 March and 1 September). More information can be found at Center for X-rays in Swedish materials science (CeXS).
For information on relevant calls at some large scale infrastructures please visit:
Petra III/FLASH/The European XFEL