Research infrastructures at KTH
In research infrastructures, academia, industry, and other societal stakeholders unite to enhance their capabilities and forge new synergies and collaborations. Several of these environments are open for external organisations to utilise. As a researcher at KTH, you are also welcome to use them in your work.
To conduct world-class research and education, KTH relies on robust, collaborative, and sustainable research infrastructures as they contribute to developing new generations of researchers. The term research infrastructure encompasses everything from large national research laboratories to smaller labs and individual, expensive instruments.

KTH's research environments span from cleanroom labs and fusion reactors to supercomputers and visualisation studios. They are categorised into three groups:
For KTH's research infrastructures, collaboration with the surrounding society is of great importance. Therefore, KTH offers other organisations the opportunity to use equipment and instruments to contribute to sustainable national research infrastructures, innovations, and positive societal development.
KTH's vice president is responsible for developing the research infrastructures. At the Research Support Office, there are research advisors dedicated to the area.
Deputy President:
Research Support Office: