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Abstracts of talks during LST Day, 2016

Systems Medicine and Proactive P4 Medicine: Transforming Healthcare through Scientific Wellness—A Personal View

Leroy Hood  

Institute of Systems Biology and Providence Health and Services, Seattle, WA

Systems medicine, the application of systems approaches to disease, places medicine at a fascinating tipping point—promising a revolution in the practice of medicine. I will discuss some of the new systems-driven technologies and strategies that have catalyzed this tipping point. Moreover, four converging thrusts—systems medicine, big/digital data (and its analytics), the digitalization of personal measurements and patient-activated social networks—are leading to a proactive medicine that is predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (P4). I will contrast P4 medicine with contemporary evidence-based medicine and discuss its societal implications for healthcare. P4 medicine has two central thrusts—quantifying wellness and demystifying disease.

I will discuss our successful effort to introduce P4 medicine into the current healthcare system with a P4 pilot program—a longitudinal, high-dimensional data cloud study on each of 108 well patients over 2014. The results point to the emerging discipline of scientific wellness—and the fact that it will catalyze several new thrusts in healthcare: 1) optimizing wellness, 2) identifying the earliest disease transitions for all common diseases and 3) employing the dense, dynamic, personal data cloud approach to study diseases (e.g. cancer) and their responses to therapy.

Mobile Imaging, Sensing and Diagnostics Technologies for Telemedicine and Global Health Applications

Aydoğan Özcan

Electrical Engineering Department, Bioengineering Department, California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

My research focuses on the use of computation/algorithms to create new optical microscopy, sensing, and diagnostic techniques, significantly improving existing tools for probing micro- and nano-objects while also simplifying the designs of these analysis tools. In this presentation, I will introduce a new set of computational microscopes that use lens-free on-chip imaging to replace traditional lenses with holographic reconstruction algorithms. These new computational microscopes routinely generate >1–2 billion pixels (giga-pixels), where even single viruses can be detected with a field-of-view that is >100 fold wider than other techniques. At the heart of this leapfrog performance lie self-assembled liquid nano-lenses that are computationally imaged on a chip.

Another major benefit of this technology is that it lends itself to field-portable and cost-effective designs that easily integrate with smartphones to conduct giga-pixel tele-pathology and microscopy even in resource-poor and remote settings, thus opening the door to various telemedicine applications in global health. Examples are imaging flow cytometers, immunochromatographic diagnostic test readers, bacteria/pathogen sensors, blood analyzers for complete blood count, and allergen detectors.

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Last changed: Jan 15, 2019