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LST-dagen 2016 - Disruptive Technologies in Life Sciences

Date: November 11, 2016. 11:45 – 17:00 (we start with a light lunch)

Location: The premises of Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas väg 15.

Theme: Disruptive technologies in life sciences: Exploring ideas, technologies and innovations impacting the future of health.

The ambition is to explore ideas, technologies and innovations impacting the future of health and well-being. We have two excellent invited scholars with a research backgrund that is highly relevant for the theme. Dr. Hood is a well known scholar with major contributions to genomics and systems biology and with visionary ideas on future healthcare, see e.g. this TED presentation . Prof. Özcan has pioneered miniaturization of of advanced photonics technologies for imaging, see e.g. this TED presentation . Besides these invited scholars, researchers from KTH get the opportunity to present and discuss their research.

Program (preliminary)
11:45-12:20 Lunch
12:20-12:30 Welcome
12:30-13:30 Leroy Hood  ( ISB , Seattle): Systems Medicine and Proactive P4 Medicine: Transforming Healthcare through Scientific Wellness – A Personal View  
13:30-14:00 Poster presentations (short pitches of each poster)
14:00-14:30 Break with poster session
14:30-15:30 Aydoğan Özcan : ( UCLA , Los Angeles): Mobile Imaging, Sensing and Diagnostics Technologies for Telemedicine and Global Health Applications
15:30-17:00 Research dialogue with KTH researchers
17:00- AfterWork PUB

Research dialogue participants:

  • Cecilia Williams (experimental oncology, proteomics)
  • Hans Hertz (phase contrast x-ray imaging). Also represents MaxLab IV .
  • Erik Aurell (complex systems and data analytics)
  • Erik Lindahl (large scale computations, e-science). Also represents SeRC .
  • Ilara Testa (superresolution light microscopy). Also represents ALM SciLifeLab .

For PhD students, the workshop comprises a PhD course BB3510 “Advances in Life Science Technology I”  , where registration, attendance, active poster participation and a short written report after the workshop render 1,0 ECTS credits.

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Page responsible:Cecilia Aflodal
Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Jan 15, 2019