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PhD course BB3510 “Advances in Life Science Technology I” (1 ECTS)

To encourage active participation in the LST Day, the workshop can be attended as a part of a PhD Course, “Advances in Life Science Technology I”. The workshop will contain lectures by external speakers, intertwined with a panel discussion by a selection of principal investigators (PIs) at KTH presenting their ongoing research.

However, a centerpiece of the workshop will be a poster session that will divided in two parts. First the poster presenters get 45 seconds to pitch their research in front of the delegates of the workshop, second the poster presenters should present a poster on a poster stand and be prepared to answer questions.

To take the workshop as a PhD course you need to:

  • Register for the course (see below)
  • Attend the whole workshop
  • Present a poster describing your recent research activities and take active part in the poster session
  • Provide and present a power point presentation consisting of one single slide without animations.
  • Write a one page summary of the comments/feedback you received on your poster, your comments on the other presentations (posters/lectures/discussion).


To register for the course: Send an email to Lukas Käll (, including information about your main supervisor and affiliation (department and school). Please write “LST PhD course + your name” in the subject field of your email. Provide a title and an abstract (see enclosed template) for your poster presentation.

Registration deadline: November 4th

Template for abstract:

Font: Times New Roman 12pt
Title (in bold, max 150 characters)
Author names (with full first name and surname)
Affiliation (group name / department / school), university
Postal address
Telephone and email of presenting author
Abstract text (max 1000 characters, with spaces. Include references if applicable)

Power point presentation

The presented slide should be provided as 1 (one) single PowerPoint slide, that should be sent to an email to Lukas Käll ( at latest the 8th of November.

The final posters must not be wider than 90 cm to fit on the poster stands.

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Belongs to: Research
Last changed: Jan 15, 2019