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Create a Calendar group using webmail

For a better overview you can add calendars to a calendar group.

You can only add each calendar to a group once, that is, once a calendar has been added to a group it is not possible to add that calendar any more. This instruction will work for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu.

Please note that if you are using a Mac computer and have not activated the right click functionality, use CTRL plus click.

Create a calendar group

  1. Select Calendar on the top bar menu in your webmail.
    Viewing Calendar button in the top menu.
  2. To create a calendar group, right click in the corner by "Your Calendars" and select "New calendar group"
    "New calendar group" option.
  3. Type the name of the calendar group that you intend to create in the field.
    Name of the new calendar group.

Add calendars to the calendar group

  1. Right-click on the created calendar group (Group of Rooms) and a dialogue box will appear. Select "Open calendar"
    Open calendar option.
  2. A dialogue box Open calendar will appear. To add a room calendar, type the name of the school followed by underscore, for example eecs_. Then click on "Search Directory"
    Search for the calendar
  3. A list of all room calendars will appear. Choose the room calendar you intend to add to your newly created calendar group and select Open.
    Search result
  4. The selected calendar will be added to your calendar group.
    Previously selected calendar showed as added in the Calendar