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University Administration ITM

The University Administration is gradually being reorganised at KTH to become a joint support organisation with similar processes by 2026.

From 1 April 2024, HR, finance and communication are part of a KTH-wide organisation. The remaining support functions are located at the ITM school office. For the time being, support pages for each function can be found here:

School's Office

Contact ITM School's Office 

Visiting address: Lindstedtsvägen 30, KTH Campus – Communications, Finance, HR, Service Center and School's Office for Student Affairs. Operations Controllers are located at each department.

Postal address:

KTH Industriell teknik och management
Skolkansli ITM
Lindstedtsvägen 30
SE-100 44 Stockholm

Managers at ITM School's Office

Within the school's office, questions in the following areas are processed and handled: