ACTIVA develops new optical technologies for a good vision throughout life
The School of Engineering Sciences at KTH will be the home of ACTIVA, a newly launched Doctoral Network, with the goal to provide an international, interdisciplinary platform to train young scientists at the interface of physics and medicine. The network will focus on studying unresolved questions and develop innovative methods to enable intact, or even improved, visual function for the elderly.

Linda Lundström, Scientific Coordinator of the project, what is the background of ACTIVA and what are its main goals?
"ACTIVA is a Doctoral Network funded by the European Commission's Horizon Europe programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions, comprising 5 European Universities and companies, coordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. The duration of the project is 48 months, starting on September 1, 2023. The main goal is to develop novel techniques to facilitate intact, or even improved, visual function in the elderly population."
The project has just started, what are the first steps?
"Currently, the homepage is being set up and the kick-off meeting is being prepared. The doctoral candidates will be recruited during the autumn with the aim to have them starting in the beginning of next year."
Could you name some of the specific novel vision enabling techniques that the project aims to develop?
"ACTIVA has three scientific pillars: facilitating the functionality of both near and far vision with aging, early diagnosis of ocular diseases, and novel technologies to improve vision."
The project involves collaboration between several European universities, companies, and partners. How will this international and multidisciplinary approach contribute to the research you aim to conduct?
"The consortium combines the expertise of three academic partners and two fully integrated optical industry partners to enable effective translation of research ideas into prototypes. Furthermore, the consortium will be counselled by a scientific External Advisory Board and 4 associate international partners to provide the young researchers with a vast network and interdisciplinary research experience."