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Anna Delin, professor of materials and nanophysics, has been granted SEK 25,200,000

Published Dec 14, 2022

Anna Delin, professor of materials and nanophysics, has been granted SEK 25,200,000 over five years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation for the project LIGHTMATTER. Anna spoke to us about it.

Anna Delin

"The project LIGHTMATTER is a collaboration between theorists and experimentalists, where we will study new materials properties that emerge dynamically on the femtosecond timescale, i.e., that of the motion of electrons. We will create such states using laser pulses, focusing on materials with strongly correlated electronic structure, strong spin-orbit coupling and reduced dimensionality.

We will also study what happens at longer time-scales as the laser energy dissipates and see if we can detect topological charge fluctuations. In the project, we will also perform development of both theoretical and experimental tools needed to study and understand this exciting physics. We plan to hire both PhD students and postdocs to work within the project."

Text: Danai Deligeorgaki