Future education projects at SCI
From SCI's Director of First and Second Cycle Education (GA) and deputy GA to colleagues at SCI

During the Spring we have discussed, with department directors of studies and programme directors, ideas for development projects that can start in 2023 as part of the Future Education development programme. In this first round we received more than 20 proposals and discussed which of those should be prioritized and presented to KTH’s management group at an event on April 3.
SCI starts six projects during 2023
From SCI we presented six prioritized projects which best fitted the President’s criterion on being scalable within the organization:
- Present state analyses for re-building of two education programmes: 5-year Vehicle Engineering and 2-year Aerospace Engineering.
- Large-scale examination in mathematics.
- Recorded material for flexible active learning in physics.
- Progression of free body diagram skills in engineering mechanics.
- Data-driven admission process for master programmes.
- Subject- and profession- specific integration of sustainability, gender equality and diversity.
Funding for all projects will come from both KTH and SCI and our intention has always been to financially support all projects that have been proposed to us. Some project proposals might need to be developed further.
Do you have an idea for a development project?
Our Spring survey of ideas for development projects was just the start of development within the Future education programme and if you have an idea that you would like to develop, within your course or programme, please contact your director of studies at the department, programme director or us for a discussion.
For more information about the Future education programme and the April 3 event with the KTH management group see:
Inspiration, collaboration, and synergy set the tone for the programme's first project conference
The President's blog: "KTH builds education programs for the future"
Gunnar Tibert, Director of 1st and 2nd Cycle Education, tibert@kth.se
Anna Burvall, Deputy Director of 1st and 2nd Cycle Education, anna.burvall@biox.kth.se
Torbjörn Bäck, Deputy Director of 1st and 2nd Cycle Education, back@nuclear.kth.se