Meet the new members of the SCI newsletter team
Danai Deligeorgaki, Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics, and Elina Charatsidou, Ph.D. student in the Department of Physics, will edit and write articles for the School's newsletter.
Danai Deligeorgaki

I come from Greece, where I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. After attending a Master's course in Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London, I moved to Sweden to start a PhD at KTH, working with Liam Solus. In my research, I attack combinatorial questions that arise in statistics and artificial intelligence. I am also a member of the graduate school within the Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program (WASP), which brings together doctoral students from across Sweden working in these areas. I have recently been given the opportunity to work as an editor of the SCI Newsletter. This role allows me to interact with the community of the School of Engineering Sciences, to attend important events, and to further develop my editing and writing skills!
Elina Charatsidou

I am Elina Charatsidou, a Ph.D. student at KTH in the Physics Department, Nuclear Energy Engineering Division. I was born in Ukraine and grew up in Greece, where I completed my Bachelor’s in Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I moved to Sweden in 2018 to pursue my master’s degree in Nuclear Energy Engineering. After the completion of my MSc, I was offered a Ph.D. position which I accepted; hence, I am currently working in fabrication and characterization of UN fuel for lead cooled reactors. My Ph.D. is part of a big project funded by KTH, SUNRISE, which stands for sustainable nuclear research in Sweden, with the aim of developing, manufacturing and testing a lead cooled reactor. During one’s Ph.D. one must complete department work, which for me is being an editor for the SCI newsletter. I found this opportunity from the School of Science email list, and it is a collaborative, and interactive way of participating in the department news and announcements, being a part of the department and actively working with new people.