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Thuréus-pris till Anna Delin

Anna Delin, Applied Physics, KTH.
Published Sep 07, 2018

This year's Thuréus prize in the physics-mathematics class went to Anna Delin, professor at the Department of Applied Physics and Deputy Head of School of Engineering Sciences at KTH.

With the motivation "For her significant contribution to the theory of nanomagnetism" and a prize of 100,000 SEK, the personal award was awarded by Kungl. Science Society at a ceremony in Museum Gustavianum in Uppsala.
– It is nice to get attention and it provides an extra energy boost in my daily research work, Anna Delin said.
Her research focuses on quantum mechanical simulations of nanomagnetic systems. The field of nanomagnetism has the potential to revolutionize how we transmit and store data in the future's computers, mobile phones and electronics through magnetic nanotechnology or spintronics.
– A type of nano object I have studied is nano wires, which can be so thin that they consist only of a single row of atoms. The quantum mechanical laws make nanoscale wires capable of displaying magnetic properties even if the material they consist of is not magnetic in the ordinary sense, Anna Delin said.

In recent years, she has spent some time studying magnetic dynamics, i. e. how the magnetism behaves as a function of time. Magnetic waves and swirls can transmit magnetic information and change the magnetism of a material, and they can also constitute nanomagnetic objects in themselves. An example is magnetic skyrmions, which are a type of swirls in the magnetic structure.
– An interesting question I've recently focused on is how stable magnetic skyrmions are, how long they exist and how this correlates with their internal structure, she explains.

Text: Sofia Nyström