Brinellvägen 23 and Teknikringen 78
Here you can find information about the meeting rooms with equipment for distance / hybrid meetings that are available in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering's premises (Brinellvägen 23 and Teknikringen 78).
In addition to this, there are two webcams available to be borrowes, for use at zoom meetings (eg for doctoral defences, licentiate seminars and docent lectures).
Brinellvägen 23

Place: Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 8-10
Equipment: 2 projectors, wireless network, speakers for sound and streaming capabilities and a control panel on the wall. Instructions for control panel are available in the room.
Booking: Contact

Place: K409, Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 12
Equipment: Wireless network, speakers for sound and streaming capabilities and a control panel on the wall. Instructions for control panel are available in the room.
Booking: Only employees at Civil and Architectural Engineering can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases, contact
Name in Outlook: abe_byv_k409_trsp, Brinellvägen 23. plan 4
Lilla Konferensrummet

Place: Room N156, Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 8
Equipment: Large TV screen, wireless network, speakers for audio and streaming capabilities and a control panel on the wall.
Booking: Only employees at Civil and Architectural Engineering can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases, contact
Name in Outlook: abe_byv_lillakonferensrummet

Place: Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 6
Equipment: TV set for the use of e.g. Skype
Booking: Only employees at Civil and Architectural Engineering can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases, contact
Name in Outlook: abe_byv_n164

Place: M110, Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 40
Equipment: Projector, wireless network, speakers for sound and streaming capabilities and a control panel on the wall.
Stora Konferensrummet

Place: Room M108, Brinellvägen 23
Number of places: 20
Equipment: Projector, wireless network, speakers for sound and streaming capabilities and a control panel on the wall. Instructions for control panel are available in the room.
Other equipment: Coffee machine, refrigerator and microwave.
Booking: Only employees at Civil and Architectural Engineering can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases, contact
Name in Outlook: ABE_BYV_M108_Storakonferensrummet
Teknikringen 78

Place: Level 4, Teknikringen 78
Number of places: 20
Equipment: Video conferencing equipment
Booking: -