Teknikringen 74 - 76
Here you can find information about the meeting rooms with equipment for distance / hybrid meetings that are available at Teknikringen 74 - 76.
Below is a list of the University Administration ABE's meeting rooms, followed by Philosophy and History's.
University Administration ABE

Arkitekten (Previously Stora Konferensrummet)
Place: Level 4, University Administration ABE (Teknikringen 74)
Number of places: 30
Equipment: Projector, Whiteboard, Video Conferencing Equipment (Konftel C20Ego)
Booking / Contact: Only employees at the Management Support Office and School's Office of Student Affairs can book via Outlook. Other bookings are made according to a separate routine, read more here: The following applies to booking the School Office's conference room
Name in Outlook: abe_deansoffice_arkitekten

Ingenjören (Previously Meeting room 1)
Place: Level 4, University Administration ABE (Teknikringen 74)
Number of places: 10
Equipment: TV, Video conferencing equipment (Konftel C20Ego)
Bokning / Kontakt: Only employees at the Management Support Office and School's Office of Student Affairs can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases via the Management support function
Name in Outlook: abe_deansoffice_ingenjoren
Geologen (Previously Meeting room 2)

Place: Level 4, University Administration ABE (Teknikringen 74)
Number of places: 6
Equipment: TV, Video conferencing equipment (Konftel C20Ego)
Bokning / Kontakt: Only employees at the Management Support Office and School's Office of Student Affairs can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases via the Management support function
Name in Outlook: abe_deansoffice_geologen

Place: Level 4, University Administration ABE (Teknikringen 72)
Number of places: 8
Equipment: TV, Video conferencing equipment (Konftel)
Bokning / Kontakt: Only employees at the Management Support Office and School's Office of Student Affairs can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases via the Management support function
Namn i Outlook: abe_deansoffice_lantmätaren
Philosophy and History

Conference room
Place: Room 1515, level 5, Teknikringen 74 (History of Science, Technology and Environment)
Number of places: 20
Equipment: Video conferencing equipment with camera (Airtame)
Booking: Only employees of History of Science, Technology and Environment can book. Exceptions can be made in individual cases, contact history@abe.kth.se
Name in Outlook: abe_akc_storasem, Teknikringen 74 D, plan 5

Conference room Aristoteles
Place: Level 3, Teknikringen 76 (Philosophy
Number of places: 20
Equipment: Video Conferencing Equipment (POLY STUDIO X30 & TC8; 4K Video)
Guide to equipment: One page quick guide Zoom controller room
Bokning/Kontakt: Enbart anställda på Filosofi kan boka. Undantag kan göras i enstaka fall, kontakta Betty Jurdell
Name in Outlook: abe_akb_aristoteles, Teknikringen 76 plan 3