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6. Using the strategy

This page is a part of KTH's strategy for communication of sustainable development.

KTH’s communications strategy highlights the important role played by all of its colleagues in strengthening the KTH brand. The same is true of helping to communicate about sustainable development and using sustainable development to strengthen the KTH brand. To achieve long-term results, a set strategy must be actively used and continuously implemented. In order to support work on the strategy, we have divided KTH colleagues into three target groups.

Those whose main role at KTH is not communication

Parties whose main role is not communication undertake a significant amount of communication. This group should be aware of KTH’s aims to strengthen the link to sustainable development. They should work to integrate sustainable development into the proposed channels ( Chapter 5, Types of channels ) and to ensure that messages through those channels relate to KTH’s messages around sustainable development.

Section particularly relevant to communicators whose main role is not communication:

Those who work on communicating sustainable development at KTH

Parties in the organisation who work primarily on communicating KTH’s work on sustainable development should use the strategy as their starting point for developing communications. This might include drawing up communication plans and communications activities. As the strategy for communicating sustainable development has been designed to be compatible with KTH’s communications strategy, this group will also have regard to the latter although the work will derive from this strategy. They should nonetheless have a greater understanding of KTH’s communications strategy than can be set out here.

Parties whose work involves communication aimed at strengthening the KTH brand

Those in the organisation whose work involves communication aimed at strengthening the KTH brand should be guided by the strategy when developing communications activities. Note the expressions “should be guided by” and “should use as their starting point” (in the paragraph above), which are used to make a clear distinction between approaches to the strategy, depending on whether parties are communicating about KTH in general terms or around KTH and sustainable development. This might apply to drawing up communications plans and communications activities. Parties in the organisation who work through communication to strengthen the KTH brand should use the strategy as their starting point and use it as a basis for development if the communication aims to highlight KTH’s work on sustainable development.

Their work should be based on KTH’s communications strategy, being guided by this strategy when strengthening the KTH brand through sustainable development or communicating the work that is being done by KTH in the field of sustainable development.

Sections that are particularly relevant to broader communications work:

For some of these parties, work may sometimes take the form of an advisory or consulting role within the organisation, i.e. the principal task of the owner of the project or activity is something other than communication. When in an advisory role, this group should refer to the strategies available for use as a starting point, for example this strategy and KTH’s communications strategy.

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Page responsible:Åsa Ankarcrona
Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Nov 13, 2020
1. Summary and introduction
2. Description of current situation
3. "Why?" as a basis for communication
4. How should we communicate?
5. The task for communication in terms of strengthening the link to sustainable development
6. Using the strategy