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Canvas updates in New Quizzes and Assignments

Published Apr 28, 2021

Canvas has announced an update regarding a new type of assignment with student annotation and a new button in New Quizzes.

Updated 18 May 2021

Canvas updates

Canvas updates in New Quizzes and Assignments was expected to be in place by May 15, 2021, US time. This is now completed.

(This news post was first published on 28 April 2021)

Student annotation as assignment

Teachers can use a new type of assignment, where the teacher can upload a file that students can comment on with annotations and then submit directly to Canvas.

This change allows teachers to provide a file as an assignment and allow students to comment on the file directly in Canvas. Prior to this function, students had to either print the file and take a picture to submit or use a third-party tool to complete the submission.

Canvas explains the new function in the video below.

Read more about the Assignment function in Canvas .

New button in New Quizzes

When the outer settings in New Quizzes, the assignment settings, are created or edited, there is a new button next to the buttons to save: "Build".

This change adjusts the behaviour of the Save button so that it saves and closes the quiz, while the new button named "Build" goes to the "build" view in the quiz engine, where questions are created and edited for the quiz.

Canvas explains the new function in the video below.

read more about .

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Apr 28, 2021