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Digital meetings and active student engagement

Documentation from Lunch 'n' Learn 28 April 2021

Published May 10, 2021

How do you succeed with Zoom meetings and active learning? In this webinar, Stefan Stenbom (Digital Learning Unit) presented principles and guidelines on creating and maintaining digital meetings that are characterized by active learning in full- and part-distance courses. The presentation is based on a theoretical framework for learning experiences and gives both tips and concrete examples. Here is the documentation (video) from the webinar presented in English.

About the webinar

With the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching has increasingly taken the form of video conferences and digital meetings, which opens up for many opportunities. However, how can one avoid just recreating the format of traditional lectures where students are passive audiences, and instead design for active learning where students are co-creators?

Design for active learning

Stenbom's presentation was based on a well-researched framework, the Community of Inquiry, that outlines a learning experience with social, teaching, and cognitive presence.

The presentation involves, for example:

  • designing and organizing meetings
  • facilitating students learning
  • how to lecture in digital meetings
  • benefits and limitations of combined digital and classroom education (hybrid meetings)
  • use of webcam and tool for increased engagement.

The webinar also includes a template for practitioners to use when preparing and conducting digital meetings.

See the recording from the webinar Digital meetings and active student engagement in KTH Play


Dr. Stefan Stenbom is a Lecturer at Digital Learning, Department of Learning (ITM) with almost 15 years of experience in online, blended, and distance education. This webinar is an excerpt from the course LH238V Digital Learning in Higher education for KTH faculty; if you are interested you can apply to the fall 2021 iteration of LH238V Digital Learning in Higher education (

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Last changed: May 10, 2021