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Updated name format for course rooms on December 15

Published Dec 14, 2022

On December 15, a change will be made to how course rooms are named in Canvas. After feedback from users, we now include the short name ("kortnamn") from Kopps in the name to make it easier to distinguish different course instances. The change affects Canvas rooms for courses that were given from autumn 2021 onwards.

DD1310 HT22 (51462) Programmeringsteknik
Course room with the old format
DD1310 HT22 Programmeringsteknik (COPEN+MATD)
Course room with the new format

On December 15, the name format of course rooms in Canvas will change. After feedback from users, the format is changed to make it easier to distinguish between course instances. After the change, course rooms will have names in the following format:

[Course Code] [Term] [Course Name] ([Short name or instance code])

The adjacent pictures show an example of what a course room can look like before and after the change.

Short names in Kopps are included to distinguish course instances

The short name ("Kortnamn") in Kopps is often used to indicate which student groups a course instance is aimed at. Now this information is retrieved to the names of course rooms in Canvas so that it will be easier to distinguish course rooms when a course has several parallel course instances. Thus, it is possible to influence part of the name of a course room by changing the short name field in Kopps. Contact  if you have questions about changing the short name.

Instance code ("tillfälleskod") is used if short names do not exist

If the course instance does not have a short name, the instance code is instead displayed just as it has since the last update of the course room name .

The change affects course rooms from HT21 onwards

The change, which will be implemented on December 15, will only affect course rooms for course instances from the autumn semester 2021 onwards. We also plan to change the names of older course rooms. However, this requires more technical work, and it is not decided when it will happen.

Merged course rooms are not affected

Course rooms that are merged from several course instances are not affected by the change because they are manually named.

Examination room names cannot currently be changed

The ambition is to provide clearer names for examination rooms as well, but currently it is not possible to retrieve relevant information for Canvas. The management of examination rooms will be reviewed, and the hope is that it will be possible to get activity session names ("aktivitetstillfällesnamn") from Ladok in the names of examination rooms.

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Dec 14, 2022