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Teacher stories: "How Mentimeter can support your teaching and students learning"

Documentation from Lunch 'n' Learn 11 May 2021

Published May 18, 2021

KTH now has a campus license for Mentimeter and teachers can use the tool to create interaction with the students in, for example, in a lecture. Here is video documentation (in Swedish) from the Lunch ‘n’ Learn webinar with a presentation of Mentimeter and also examples of how teachers at KTH use it in their own teaching.

About the webinar

Mentimeter is a web-based presentation tool and a digital tool for interactive teaching. You can use Mentimeter in your teaching both in a classroom and online, synchronously or asynchronously. In this webinar, Åsa Emmer will show you how she uses the tool in her teaching and Oliver Andersson will show you how it can be used in order to engage students asynchronously.

Mentimeters many possibilities

Since Mentimeter supports several different types of questions, and since the participants will be interacting through their own digital device, i.e., their mobile phone, they will not have to sit in the same classroom to interact. You can also use the tool in an asynchronical fashion by using the setting "audience pace" to make students interact before or after a teaching moment.

Watch the recording from the webinar to learn more!

Teacher stories: "How Mentimeter can support your teaching and students learning" (KTH Play)  (video in Swedish).


Åsa Emmer (CBH, KTH), Oliver Andersson (Digital Learning, KTH).

Presentation file

The presentation material is available in the tab "Attachments" when you are logged in to KTH Play (log in at the top right of KTH Play) .

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Last changed: May 18, 2021