Teacher stories: "Practical Course Experiences of the Change in Period 4" (SWE)
Documentation from Lunch 'n' Learn 4 November 2020
Anders Sjögren talks about how he handled the rapid transition to distance education, which in March became a reality for all teachers. The presentation is based on the course "II1302, Projects and project methods" which he taught during period 4. Here you find the documentation, film and link to the presentation from the webinar (in Swedish).
[The video initially only has machine-generated captions but these will be updated with manual editing of subtitles that better matches the content.]
About the webinar
In the course "II1302, Projects and project methods", the students carry out a design project in IT, with 4-8 participants. In previous course rounds, the projects were dependent on working methods that involved physical presence, so for the course round in period 4, several changes were made. Anders talks about how this change took place and address both what did not work well, what worked well and what will remain in future course rounds. Even though Anders' course is focused on projects in IT, this webinar can also be interesting for you who teach other subjects and courses that include project work.
The webinar was given in Swedish.
Presenter: Anders Sjögren (EECS, KTH).