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Zoom presence – a better way to conduct Zoom exams

Documentation from Lunch 'n' Learn 26 May 2021

Published Jun 07, 2021

Are you planning to examine through Zoom? Then this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar is for you! A pedagogical developer from the E-learning team introduces the theoretical framework for Zoom presence, and a teacher talks about how she uses Zoom in her examination. Here is the documentation (video, in Swedish) from the webinar.

About the webinar

Learn more about Zoom presence; a developed better way to conduct exams with Zoom, where the teacher, with the help of Zoom, can follow how the students work during the examination.

Some examples of what is covered during the webinar:

  • Rules that apply to the exam with Zoom
  • When is it appropriate to use Zoom?
  • Follow and follow up the students' work
  • Experiences of dealing with interruptions and deviations.

Presence instead of monitoring

The remote exam with Zoom presence combines the home exam with the opportunity to ask oral questions so that exam assignments that fit in a classroom can be used in a larger group. Examining with Zoom presence enables an examining element where you can better check the student's identity. Compared with Zoom monitoring (where Zoom is used for visual monitoring), it is less sensitive to, for example, weak internet connections and the need for toilet breaks. In contrast, resources can be used more efficiently. At the webinar, you will get tips and examples of how this can be done.

To the recording of the webinar on Zoom presence (KTH Play, in Swedish) .


Tecla Malmström (Educational Developer, Digital Learning, KTH) and Ninni Carlsund (Associate Professor, Numerical Analysis, KTH).

The webinar is in Swedish.

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Last changed: Jun 07, 2021