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Development of Advanced-Level Programme Structures

This project is about developing one or more programme structures with interlinked course offerings that allow a combination of freedom of choice and depth of subject matter while course offerings are reviewed/restructured/ reduced/planned differently.

Background and problem definition

At CBH there are Master's programmes with a relatively small number of students, which at the same time offer a large freedom of choice with many different courses. This means that there are courses that consistently, or at times, have a small number of students offered specialized education.

There is a need to explore how a programme structure (or different programme structures) can be designed that continues to offer freedom of choice but also deep subject knowledge.

What we want to achieve

We want to evaluate one or more programme structures with connected courses that allow for a combination of freedom of choice, subject depth, and the progression of knowledge and skills. Based on the results of this project, the programme structures for the two programmes Macromolecular Materials (TMMMM) and Molecular Science and Engineering (TMVTM) are likely to be modified at a later stage, resulting in the creation of new courses and the updating of course structures.


  • Limited number of master students and a large number of courses on the advanced/master level
  • “GRU economy in balance”
  • Inefficient recruitment of international master students (see Figure 1)

Suggestions for improvement

In continued work, we plan to focus on:

  • Revision/development of programme structures for smaller Master's programmes (Master programmes in which the course selection is flexible and the breadth of the subject wide vs. Master programmes where the progression in the subject is central.
  • Development of course structures by investigating varied forms of teaching.
  • Review & revision of work process for recruitment of international & national Master's students.

Results and lessons learnt

A new course structure has been developed for the master's programme Macromolecular materials. The goal is to continue the development of the new course structure by developing the subject content, learning activities, varying forms of examination, laboratory elements, improve and ensure the progression of the knowledge and skills that students gain from the programme, undertake a review of all courses on the programme, establish teaching teams, evaluate the new course structure.

There is also a need to develop a programme specific recruitment strategy that is not only adapted to the individual needs of the programme, but that also takes advantage of the technological developments in our modern society.

Next step

We intend to continue this work within the framework of Future Education.


F01-ABE Integrated lifelong learning
F02-ABE Wicked problems in a sustainable context
F03-ABE The design studio's pedagogical landscape
F04-CBH Digital and Continuous Assessment
F05-CBH Broadened and Relevant Recruitment for Master's Programmes
F06-CBH Increased student completion
F07-CBH Development of Advanced-Level Programme Structures
F11-EECS Master's programme in Sustainable Digitalisation
F12-EECS Teacher teams and critical friends
F13-EECS Quality and diversity in assessment within programmes
F14-ITM Möbius – Technical Foundation Year Södertälje
F15-ITM HING in Industrial Engineering with One Entrance and Several Outputs
F16-ITM Modularization of Master's Studies (M SPAN)
F17-ITM PRIMO Lab – Production innovation and manufacturing lab
F21-SCI Flexible recorded material for active learning
F22-SCI Data-driven assessment of qualifications