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Flexible recorded material for active learning

During the pancemic we created recorded materials, and then we went back to teaching on campus. Our aim is to find a middle way: to record a flexible material for basic physics courses so that each teacher can choose which parts to cover during lectures, and which to cover in recordnings.​

Mapped principles 

Graph: 13 coloured text squares surrounded by lines. The five green squares are listed below.
Click on the image for a closer look on the details of the framework for Future Education at KTH.

Projektet mappas till de grönmarkerade ramverksprinciperna.

  • P1. Väsentliga ämneskunskaper
  • P3. Aktivt studentcentrerat lärande
  • P6. Livfullt campus
  • P9. En utvecklande utbildningskultur
  • P10. Kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling i lärarrollen

Definitioner av principerna

Project documentation

You can read the report in Swedish if you are logged in with your KTH-ID.

Initiation document

Project initiation document_Recorded material_F@KTH-21-SCI (Swedish Word OneDrive)

Status report "A3"

Project report A3_Recorded material_F@KTH-21-SCI (Swedish pptx OneDrive)

This development project started in 2023. It is carried out at the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) within the framework of the change programme "Future Education at KTH". It will continue in 2024.

Background and problem definition​

After the pandemic, we find ourselves in a new situation, asking ourselves new questions: what should we do digitally, and what should we do in person, on campus? The recorded materials from the pandemic were created to replace on-campus lectures, so we now need new materials. In physics, we have several different courses that cover similar grounds. Creating flexible recorded material will allow individual teachers to cover parts of the subject via recordings, spending the on-campus meetings on more interactive activities.


We want to create flexible recorded material available to teachers on basic courses that will allow them to adapt their on-campus teaching. For example, covering fundamental theory could be done in recordings, while on-campus sessions could focus on discussions or applications.​


  • How can the material be flexible and structured to allow teachers to select the parts they want quickly;
  • To give teachers the time to do the recordings;​
  • To make the material available to the teachers​;
  • To make a material that teachers want to use.​

Status and suggestions for improvement​

At present, our main problem has been finding teacher time to do the recordings. Due to a temporary shortage of teachers in the basic courses, we had to put the project on hold.​

When re-starting, we will set up the recordings already made into a Canvas page for easy distribution. This will show better how the recordings can be helpful to the teachers.​

Results and lessons learnt​

We have created the first suggestion for a Canvas page where the recordings will be made available to the teachers. Depending on the lecture style, we have found several good KTH places to do the recordings. We have recorded parts of the material.

Next step​

We intend to continue the project once the teaching situation is back to normal.  

Contact project management

Anna Burvall
Anna Burvall associate professor
Marina Zelenina
Marina Zelenina lecturer
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F21-SCI Flexible recorded material for active learning
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