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Classic Quiz will begin to be phased out in 2022

Published Dec 13, 2021

Canvas currently has two quiz engines, Classic Quiz and New Quizzes. In 2022, you will no longer be able to create new Classic Quiz and in 2023, Classic Quiz will completely stop being supported by Canvas. We recommend you as a teacher to migrate your quizzes to the New Quiz engine will in advance before Classic Quiz shuts down.

Classic Quiz deadline postponed indefinitely

Canvas wants users to start using New Quiz because it's a great tool, not because they're forced to. They have therefore removed the Classic Quiz deadline while they improve New Quiz. KTH is waiting for some critical functions in New Quiz before a complete migration is carried out. These functions are support for API and for exporting CSV files.

Classic Quiz deadline postponed indefinitely

The Quiz engine Classic Quiz is replaced by New Quiz

Canvas has developed a new quiz engine for several years and in 2022 they will start phasing out the old quiz engine "Classic Quiz". The phase-out will take place in several steps to give teachers time to migrate their quiz questions from Classic Quiz to New Quizzes, so Classic Quiz will be available for use throughout 2022 but you will not be able to create them after the summer. You can see more detailed times further down under the heading "Timeline for decommissioning of Classic Quiz".

New Quizzes has a few other features than Classic and is handled as an external app. Canvas shows the differences between Classic Quiz and New Quizzes in their continuously updated document Feature comparison between Classic Quiz and New Quizzes ( .

Note: Export of quiz data to CSV is not currently available for New Quizzes, but it is under development and is expected to be in place before Classic Quiz is phased out.

Read more about New Quizzes in The Quiz function in Canvas .

Migrate your quizzes from Classic Quiz to New Quizzes

We recommend that you as a teacher migrate your quiz questions that you have in Classic Quiz to New Quizzes as soon as possible to be able to solve possible problems well in advance. You will find a short guide on how to migrate your quiz questions on the page Creating a quiz  under the heading “Change a Classic quiz to New Quizzes”.

Timeline for decommissioning of Classic Quiz

The timeline given by Canvas about the decommissioning of Classic Quiz is as follows:

  • Since 2020 – Migration of Quiz Questions is possible.

  • During 2022* – Migration of question banks becomes possible.

  • When New Quiz has parallel functions* – Classic Quiz can no longer be created.

  • June 2024* – Classic Quiz can no longer be used.

*Update 4 april: Canvas has extended the deadline for key functions in New Quiz. The date for shutting down Classic Quiz has also been extended, to June 2024.