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New tool to create and publish course memos

Published Nov 26, 2020

From Thursday 26th of November a new tool is available to create and publish course memos before start of the course offering. Several smart features make it easier to compose the contents and to publish a course memo that helps the students to prepare and plan for taking the course.

Quality assured KTH course memo template

The student needs information to prepare and plan for taking the course before and during the course offering. The new tool helps you as a teacher to create and publish a course memo for that purpose. The tool automatically fetches correct information from the course syllabus and contact information. The course memo is based on a quality assured KTH course memo template and the tool helps you with definitions and guidance on how to compose your contents. With one click the course memo is published on the official course information site “About course” in the Course and programme directory with a format that complies with the requirements for digital accessibility.

What is the course information site About course?

"About course" is the official site for course information that students need before and after the course. The site holds course syllabuses, information about course offerings, course memos, course analysis and an archive with historical documentation. The student will easily find the course information on the site since it is the same place for all KTH courses. If you publish course memos and course analysis on About course the student can quickly access information that is important to choose course, plan for taking the course and to follow up on the evaluation about their own course offering.

"Administrate About course" supports you as a teacher, course coordinator or examiner to publish qualitative information on About course. The tools fetches information from the sources, offers definitions and guidance, and supports collaboration with colleagues in the same drafts before publishing of the information. In addition to that you will automatically take part of improvement and new features that is based on the experiences and development work at KTH.

Benefits of using About course

To publish course information on About course means that...

  • the teacher will take control of the course information.
  • the course information will be correct and legally secure thanks to common quality assured tools and automatically fetched information from the sources.
  • the teacher takes part of guides, definitions, and examples to publish information that really helps the student.
  • the course information complies with the digital accessibility requirements.
  • the student finds the course information on the same site regardless of course.
  • the student experience the same information structure and navigation from course to course.
  • all versions of course syllabuses, course memos and course analysis are saved to an archive with public access.
  • new possibilities for the quality and follow-up work will be possible.

Read more about "About course" and its content


Contact  if you need support with anything regarding "About course".