Smoother assessment of proctored campus exams with the help of "KTH Import Exams"
Soon it will be possible to assess proctored campus exams in Canvas and SpeedGrader with the help of "KTH Import Exams". During exam period 1, SCI and the ITM school will be able to assess in Canvas and during exam period 2, it will be possible for more schools.
How does "KTH Import Exams" facilitate the assessment work for me as a teacher?
The function makes it possible to load the exams for a Canvas assignment which can then be assessed in SpeedGrader. "KTH Import Exams" have been developed so that teachers do not have to handle large amounts of paper during the exam and instead handle results and assessment digitally. With the function, the result is synced directly to Ladok instead of you entering it manually. Digital assessment makes it easier for students to access the assessment.
When will "KTH Import Exams" be released for everyone?
"KTH Import Exams" is initially offered to two schools, which is part of ensuring the quality of the function and having the opportunity to implement improvements before the function is offered to everyone. In exam period 2, all schools will be able to use the function. More information on this will come.
If you already have questions, you can contact , mark your email: Scan campus exams to Canvas.