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Search, Evaluate, Cite - KTH Library's new digital course for students

Student in front of a lap top, with earphones participating in a digital meeting in the KTH Library.
Foto: Magnus Glans.
Published Sep 14, 2023

Students need to be able to search for information, select and evaluate sources, and cite them correctly, both for their studies and later in their professional lives. KTH Library has developed a digital course (in Swedish) where they can learn these skills.

Go to the course Search, Evaluate, Cite (Canvas)

Import to Customize for Your Students

The course is also available in Canvas Commons , and as the course coordinator or teacher, you can import the entire course or specific parts of it into your own course. If you choose to import it, you can customize it and add assignments tailored specifically to your students.

The library can teach students at all levels in both Swedish and English. You can schedule teaching sessions by contacting the library. The library is already a well-established part of the curriculum for several programs and courses. More information and contact details for KTH Library's teaching team.