9 Upload exam wording in KTH OneDrive
Included in the process
Handling of cases concerning written exams for examinees with compensatory support
The exam wording has been completed
Results in
The exam wording is available for Tentafunka
Staff at school
The administrator at the school uploads the exam wording in a designated folder in KTH OneDrive the latest three working days before the examination session.
Excerpt from guideline:
For written on-campus exams (for example examinations, partials exams), that is registered for application in Ladok, the examiner needs to ensure that a complete examination/written test is sent to the central exam administration for students with disabilities on KTH Campus (the campuses in Kista, Södertälje and Flemingsberg may have other routines). This needs to be done the latest three working days before the examination session.
System support, aid/tools, routines
KTH OneDrive
Described by
Tentafunka, April 2021