Handling of cases concerning written exams for examinees with compensatory support
Exam administrators at Tentafunka administer and handle examinations concerning compensatory support. It is an important work based on KTH’s values, to ensure that students with disabilities should be in a comparable situation with students who do not have a disability.
A prerequisite for Tentafunka to handle examination sessions with compensatory support is that the exam is submitted for registration in Ladok. Students who are to write exams but cannot register in Ladok, for example a student from another higher education institution or in the event of raising a passing grade, need to register through the School’s education office or equivalent.
In order to receive support during the examination, the student must have registered for the examination session during the established registration period. Some support requires special handling by Tentafunka. In order to have access to such support at a specific examination session, the student must report the use of support in an electronic web form. The examiner grants and rejects the support.
By the time the schedule for the coming semester is released, Tentafunka begins its planning of shift staffing and booking of premises for the examination sessions of the semester. When the online registration for the examination session has closed, Tentafunka is able to compile lists for registered students. Tentafunka compiles the lists based on which students that have registered for the examination session, which students that have registered for support through the electronic web form and based on the decisions on support submitted via KTH OneDrive by the school administrator. The complied lists that Tentafunka then produces are the basis for how the students are then to be placed in the lecture hall with compensatory support. Tentafunka sends information via e-mail about the placement as well as the time for the written exam to both the student and the examiner no later than three days before the examination session.
Flow chart
Follow the activities in the flow-chart. The number connected to each activity refers to the activities listed below.
Handling of cases concerning written exams for examinees with compensatory support (pdf 42 kB)
Click on each activity for a detailed description.
1: Establish basic plan for the examination period
If decision is not taken on course level, go directly to activity 4
2: Plan for compensatory support for course
3: Request compensatory support for other examination
4: Register for written on-campus exam
5: Register for p-support and other forms of aid
If decision is available on course level, go directly to activity 7
6: Grant or reject compensatory support for individual
7: Inform Tentafunka before planning
9: Upload exam wording in KTH OneDrive
10: Inform about placement in the lecture hall
Templates and forms
Templates for requesting a customized examination format and link to the electronic web form for the student’s application for compensatory support can be found on the Templates and forms website
Ladokmanual Aktivitetstillfälle (Activity sessions in Ladok)
Guidelines and steering documents
Exam schedules and application periods for examinations (according to yearly decision)
Decision on coordinated examination administration at KTH, V-2017-0478 KS-kod 1.2, 2017-05-11